Vero Cell HCP ELISA kit

单价: 6000.00
品牌: cygnus
销量: 累计出售 0
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人气: 已有 39 人关注
更新: 2021-05-25
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货号: F500
应用: 药企研究,临床研究
检测方法: 酶联免疫吸附试验法
检测限: 0.7ng/mL.
供应商: 研卉生物
数量: 2
规格: 96T

Vero Cell HCP ELISA kit优惠促销 现货5500元,期货6000元。

货号:F500  厂家:cygnus

Vero Cell HCP ELISA kit

Expression of viral vaccines and other therapeutic proteins in Vero cells is a cost effective method for production of commercial quantities of a drug substance. The kit was developed using actual final product and in-process samples for four different products from four vaccine manufacturers. These products included whole virus vaccines as well as recombinant proteins. The broadly reactive, affinity purified, polyclonal antibodies demonstrate a very high degree of conserved HCP across all Vero cell lines tested. The robustness of this very sensitive and specific ELISA method should facilitate successful validation for almost any product expressed in Vero cells. This kit has an LOD of ~0.7ng/mL.
