
单价: 498.00
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更新: 2020-09-13
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货号: DE-01012
供应商: 研卉生物
英文名: Plasmid Mini Kit
数量: 大量
规格: 100


DNA-only硅胶膜离心柱、BufferS1、BufferS2、Buffer S3、Buffer PW、Buffer WB、Buffer EB。


型号                    离心柱型                 纯化组件                   Foregene硅胶膜离心柱、试剂
通量 1-24个样品 制备时间 20min(24个样品)
仪器需求 台式离心机 细菌裂解物分离 离心分离
离心柱液体盛装量 800μl DNA-only硅胶膜离心柱DNA承载量 80μg
最小洗脱体积 50μl 菌液处理量 1-15ml

Plasmid Mini Kit用于从细菌中快速分离提取高质量的质粒DNA;获得的质粒DNA可用于下游分子生物学实验,如:酶切、PCR、文库构建、测序、转化、传代细胞甚至原代细胞转染等。



用户来自:西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院心内科 吕颖




User From:Postdoctoral Associate in Garen Laboratory   LingLi
                Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale Medicine School
Product:Plasmid Mini Kit
Evaluation:Following the procedures provided by the user handbook, we evaluated the application of the Plasmid Mini Kit, produced by Foregene Biotechnology Co., Ltd., on small-scale plasmid DNA purification, and the especially introduced feature of removing the RNA component involved in the E.coli lysate without the addition of RNase. After the test using E.coli JM109 transformed with plasmid PMD19-T-A as material (A means an inserted gene), we provide the following viewpoints as our objective evaluation.

1. This Plasmid Mini Kit provides a fast, simple, and convenient plasmid processing of 1-20 samples simultaneously in less than 25minutes. 

2. The RNA component involved in the lysate sample can be removed completely without the addition of RNase (As shown by electrophoretogram). And the closed circular plasmid DNA showed by the agarose gel analysis indicate the reagent contained in the kit is not harmful to the plasmid integrity.

3. The high purity of obtained plasmid DNA is showed by the value of OD260/280 (OD260/280=1.79).

4. 20.7ug plasmid DNA was purified from 5mL of E.coli JM109 cultured overnight. Although the plasmid yield varies depending on plasmid copy number per cell, the individual insert in a plasmid, factors that affect growth of the bacterial culture, the tested kit can get the comparable plasmid yield, to some other commercial plasmid purification kits.

5. Plasmid DNA purified with the tested kit is immediately ready for use. The purified plasmid DNA is suitable for a variety of routine applications, including restriction enzyme digestion, PCR, sequencing, library screening, ligation and transformation, and transfection of robust cells. If the plasmid was eluted with nuclease-free water, it is also suitable for the in vitro transcription and translation.

6. To the average molecular biologist working with RNA, preventing, detecting, and eliminating nuclease contamination, particularly ribonuclease (RNase) contamination, is a constant and somewhat annoying challenge. The routine plasmid purification kits introduce RNaseA to remove the RNA component in plasmid sample. So, the additive RNaseA should be harmful for some downstream applications, including RNA probe synthesis for Northern Blot and in situ hybridization, in vitro transcription, and in vitro translation. As far as I know, this is the first plasmid purification kit that remove RNA component without the addition of RNaseA as a necessary.

