ReproCoat (500mL)

单价: 1568.00
品牌: Reprocell
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更新: 2021-03-30
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货号: RCHEOT001
供应商: ReproCELL
数量: 大量
英文名: ReproCoat (500mL)
保质期: 3年
保存条件: Room temperature
规格: 500mL
Cat#:RCHEOT001 Lot: A01LN23 For Research Use Only
Culture test performed using human iPS cells 
Data sheet: ReproCoat
Alkaline phosphatase activity: Qualified
Human iPS cells (201B7; Takahashi, K. et al., Cell, 131, 861-72, 2007) were cultured in the 
Primate ES Cell Medium containing 5ng/mL of bFGF for more than 4 days. 
Subsequently, the cell morphology was observed and compared with those of the control.
Alkaline phosphatase activity was ascertained using the ALP substrate kit III (vector). 
