
单价: 3317.00
品牌: G-Bioscience
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更新: 2021-03-17
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货号: 786-186-100ml
英文名: FoldaseTM-I
数量: 大量
规格: 100ml
Description: (When recombinant proteins form inclusion bodies they cannot be used until the proteins in the inclusion bodies are solubilized in strong denaturing agents and then allowed to correctly fold into biologically active forms. Developing a folding protocol often requires a great deal of scientific literature research and experimentation.The kit is designed to simplify the optimization of protein folding procedures. This kit is based on a special denaturing agents for solubilization of inclusion bodies and the folding protocol based on rapid dilution of denatured protein into folding mixes.Given the fact that every protein has unique folding properties, the kit offers a selection of five folding mixes. These folding mixes were developed using recognized compositions for protein folding that include the following folding agents:Polyethylene Glycol ;Cyclodextrine ;ND SB-201 (non detergent sulfobetaine-201) detergent; Oxidizing agents Reducing agentsThe folding mixes may be used individually or mixed with each other to create various combinations of the folding agents. This kit offers a simple to follow protocol, which allows users the option to quickly optimize the folding protocol for their proteins. Store: -15~-20℃ Features: supplied with all of the agents needed for optimizing protocol and reaction cups. After optimization of folding protocol, any Foldase reagent may be reordered in larger quantities for preparative scale works.Depending on the buffer compositions used, this kit has sufficient reagents for up to 80 protein folding experiments using 1ml of 1mg/ml protein from solubilized inclusion bodies.