单价: 2986.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
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人气: 已有 1636 人关注
更新: 2021-07-26
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Description:Electroelution of nucleic acids and proteins has many advantages as it avoids centrifugation, vortexing, heating, precipitation and allows minimal manipulation of samples. Electroelution normally involves dialysis tubing, which results in extreme dilution of precious samples. G-Capsule™ is a simple electroelution device that excises DNA or protein bands and elutes your sample in a final volume of ~30µl.G-CAPSULE™ has two parts, G-Pick™ and G-Trap™. The user simply picks up the protein or nucleic acid band with the G-Pick™ and assembles it with the G-Trap™. The assembled G-CAPSULE™ is submerged in electrophoresis buffer on a horizontal electrophoresis system and the protein or nucleic acid is rapidly eluted into the G-Trap™. ACCESSORIES G-CAPSULE™ Weight A small weight device that prevents G-CAPSULE™ from floating when submerged under buffer during electroelution. Features: Rapid electroelution of nucleic acids and proteins.;Sample recovered in a small volume (25-50μl);Recovery is as high as 90%.  can be used for extraction of >20bp DNA and RNA or for >4kDa protein .Electroelution antifloat weight. that prevents Electroelution device from floating when submerged under buffer during electroeltion.Store: 18~25℃