
单价: 2998.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
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人气: 已有 1805 人关注
更新: 2021-05-09
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Description:The kit uses a special  UPPA™ (Universal Protein Precipitation Agent) Agent to quantitatively concentrate dilute protein samples as low as 1ng/ml. Concentration is not affected by the presence of common laboratory agents, including detergents and chaotropes. After precipitation, the sample is washed to remove salts and other interfering agents; complete recovery of sample is produced. The resulting protein samples have a conductivity of ~50µS and protein recovery is ~100%.The kit is available as a Micro kit for concentrating up to 10ml of dilute protein solutions, a Medi Kit for concentrating up to 30ml of dilute protein solutions, either as a single or multiple procedures and specially suitable for concentrating proteins for running gels, raising antibodies, protein purification, protein Assays, and other applications.Store: 18~25℃