Tube-O-DIALYZER? .Micro(up to 250ul)

单价: 1752.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 1412 人关注
更新: 2021-04-18
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Description:Tube-O-DIALYZER™  eliminates the major concern when dialyzing small samples i.e.the loss of samples due to transfer in and out of dialysis bags and handings. allows dialysis of small samples without taking the sample out of the tube and eliminates loss.A simple design converts a small tube into a dialyzer-a Tube-O-DIALYZER™ , The tube cap is adapted with a dialysis membrane.Place your sample in the thbe and close the cap asapted with the dialysis membrane.Invert the Tube-O-DIALYZER™  in a dialysis tank and dialyze your samples.salts and other molecules rapidly exchange across the dialysis membrane mounted on the cap. When dialysis is complete,spin the tube for a brief 5 seconds and collect 100%of your sample.Sample collection by spinning allows clean and 100% recovery.Eliminates the risks of leftover sanple in the dialysis bag.After dialysis,replace the dialyzing cap with a normal cap for storage of the sample.supplied as 1000,4000,8000,15,000 and 50,000 molecular weight cut off limits for dialysis membrane.The dialysis membranes are made of neutral no-binding membranes.Store: 18~25℃