
单价: 8200.00
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更新: 2021-05-31
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产品英文名称:PowerPac Basic Power Supply产品中文名称:PowerPac基础电泳仪电源

Bio-Rad PowerPac™Basic Power Supply产品介绍:PowerPac™基础电泳仪电源具有定时控制、恒压或恒流输出以及暂停/继续运行等功能。高品质电泳仪电源小巧、可叠放,并且编程简单,推荐用于浸没式水平电泳或小型垂直凝胶电泳等实验。产品具备一系列监测,包括空载监测、快速电阻转换监测、接地渗漏监测、负载/短路监测等,有过压/超温保护。

产品参数:• 输出规格:10-300V,4-400mA• 最大功率:75W• 输出类型:恒压或恒流• 输出端子:4对并联• 计时器:1min-99h,59min• 暂停/继续功能:有• 屏幕显示:3位数LED显示• 操作条件:0-40℃; 0-95%湿度(无冷凝液时)• 安全性能:空载监测;快速电阻转换监测,接地渗漏监测,负载/短路监测,超压/超温保护• 输入保护:保险丝(过热或空载)• 规格尺寸(WxDxH):21 x 24.5 x 6.5cm• 重量:1.1kg

PowerPac Basic Power Supply英文简述:The PowerPac™ Basic power supply is a high-quality power supply that offers simple programming, timer control, constant voltage or current output, and the ability to pause and resume a run. The PowerPac Basic power supply is intended for basic applications such as submerged horizontal and mini vertical gel electrophoresis but it also provides sufficient output to support the Mini Trans-Blot® cell.

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