RiboZol™ Plus RNA纯化试剂盒

单价: 1.00
品牌: 未填写
销量: 累计出售 0
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人气: 已有 304 人关注
更新: 2021-04-04
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 RiboZol™ Plus RNA Purification Kit purifies and recovers all sizes and species of RNA, including large RNAs such as ribosomal RNA (rRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA), and small RNAs less than 200 nucleotides including microRNAs (miRNA) and small inhibitory RNAs (siRNA). The kit combines the benefits of organic RNA extraction using RiboZol™ RNA Extraction Reagent with the ease and convenience of spin column technology. RiboZol™ RNA Extraction Reagent extracts total RNA from cells or tissue, including difficult sample types. Column chromatography employs a proprietary resin as the separation matrix to eliminate the time-consuming isopropanol precipitation step of the standard RiboZol™ RNA purification procedure. Up to 35 μg of total RNA may be concentrated per column. The RiboZol™ Plus RNA Purification Kit provides sufficient material for 50 total RNA purification procedures. The kit contains the following:


RiboZol™ RNA Extraction Reagent, 2 x 30 ml

RiboZol™ Wash Buffer, 22 mls (add 50 ml 95% ethanol for working stock)

RiboZol™ Elution Buffer, 6 ml

RiboZol™ Spin Columns, 50 pieces

RiboZol™ Collection Tubes, 50 pieces

Sufficient material for 50 preparations.