H3N2 NA / Neuraminidase ( E119V ) (Active)

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更新: 2020-09-10
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H3N2 NA / Neuraminidase ( E119V )


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H3N2 NA / Neuraminidase ( E119V ) Product Information




A DNA sequence encoding the Influenza A virus (A/Babol/36/2005 (H3N2)) neuraminidase (ACN50232.1) (His 36-Pro 459) was expressed, the cell lysates are collected, and bio-activity was tested


Influenza A Virus H3N2

表达宿主: Human Cells

H3N2 NA / Neuraminidase ( E119V ) QC Testing


Measured by its ability to cleave a fluorogenic substrate, 2’-(4-Methylumbelliferyl)-α-D-N-acetylneuraminic acid

The specific activity is > 400,000 pmoles / min / tube ( Type 1 )

The specific activity is > 600,000 pmoles / min / tube ( Type 2 )

稳定性: Samples are stable for up to twelve months from date of receipt at -70℃

The influenza H3N2 virus Neuraminidase comprises 443 amino acids

缓冲液: Lyophilized from sterile PBS , pH 7.4
  1. Normally 5 % - 8 % trehalose and mannitol are added as protectants before lyophilization. Specific concentrations are included in the hardcopy of COA.
  2. Please contact us for any concerns or special requirements.

H3N2 NA / Neuraminidase ( E119V ) Usage Guide

储存方法: Store it under sterile conditions at -70℃. It is recommended that the protein be aliquoted for optimal storage. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Reconstitution: A hardcopy of COA with reconstitution instruction is sent along with the products. Please refer to it for detailed information.

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H3N2 NA / Neuraminidase ( E119V ) Description

Neuraminidase ( NA ) is a major membrane glycoproteins found on the surface of influenza virus. NA specifically catalyzes the hydrolysis removal of terminal sialic acid residues from viral and cellular glycoconjugates. It is known that HA binds to the sialic acid-containing receptors on the surface of host cells during initial infection, and at the end of an infectious cycle, NA cleaves the HA-sialic acid bondage from the newly formed virions and the host cell receptors during budding. NA thus is described as a receptor-destroying enzyme which facilitates virus release and efficient spread of the progeny virus from cell to cell. NA is a single-pass type I I membrane protein which exists as a homotetramer, and the transmembrane domain is involved in lipid raft association during intracellular transport. NA is suggested to play a role in the determination of host range restriction on replication and virulence. Nine subtypes of NA have been identified, and subtypes N1 and N2 have been positively linked to epidemics in man.


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