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产品英文名称: Full-automatic 3D cell&Tissue 、 Mechanical stimulation Culture System
产品编号:FX-5000TT    产品品牌:flexcell
FLEXCELL 全自动体外三维细胞组织应力培养系统,它允许研究者创建 Amino、Collagen (Type I or IV)、Elastin、 ProNectin (RGD)、Laminin (YIGSR)多种包被表面的三维基质
FLEXCELL 全自动体外三维细胞组织应力培养系统在基质凝胶中进行三维细胞培养、构建人工生物组织,可为三维细胞、组织提供双轴向应力和单轴向应力加载。


  • 真正意义上的三维培养——该系统以多种包被表面(Amino、Collagen (Type I or IV)、Elastin、 ProNectin (RGD)、Laminin (YIGSR))的水凝胶为细胞外基质支架——水凝胶支架在液态时包裹细胞,固态时形成交联网络,细胞粘附力强,良好水分、养分交换



A)、多微孔支架: 多微孔支架使用方便,但它的孔径(-1 O0 pm)远大于平均细胞直径(一10 pm),因此实际相当于二维培养。
B)纳米纤维支架: 纳米纤维支架使用纤维状的细胞外基质蛋白更好地模拟了三维结构, 但是它的力学性能很难达到使用要求。而水凝胶支架因在液态时包裹细胞,固态时形成交联网络,
而且胶原凝胶是含水凝胶,营养物可以自由进出凝胶网络,使分散于网络 中的细胞都能得到营养,因此胶原水凝胶具有良好的亲水性及细胞相容性。


  • 可对三维细胞进行牵张应力加载培养,便于细胞形变研究和细胞生长动力学研究(肿瘤细胞、癌细胞往往形态发生变化)
通过Flexcell应力加载系统和三维细胞应力加载传导仪对生长在三维环境下的细胞进行单轴向 或者双轴向的静态或者周期性的应力加载刺激培养,
(Apply Strain to Cells in Three-Dimensional Gel Culture)
  • 适合长期的三维细胞培养:细胞在Tissue Train三维培养板中生长可以自行生成3D细胞外基质,这样的细胞球体与体内组织更为相似,也可以实现与其他类型的细胞共培养,如内皮细胞、基质细胞和上皮细胞等
  • 三维细胞培养:使用三维组织培养模具和三维细胞培养板在凝胶支架里全自动三维培养
  • 大体积三维生物人工组织构建:可构建长度达35mm的生物人工组织
  • 动力模拟实验:可建立特制的各种模拟实验:心率模拟实验、步行模拟实验、跑动模拟实验和其他动力模拟实验
  • 本系统技术先进性:
  • 可用于多个领域,如研究、生物制药加工;也可为细胞和组织培养工作提供解决方案:
3)可用于克隆细胞,为器官移植做准备(例如hip stem, heart valve, graft)
  • 观察细胞应力作用下实时反映:
使用Flexcell独有的Flexcell StageFlexer显微附属设备,可在加力刺激的同时实时观察细胞在三维状态下牵拉刺激的反应
  • 多种基质蛋白包被的尼龙网锚可以加强细胞与三维网锚的粘附结合能力


1. 原装FlexSoft® FX-5000™、Microsoft Windows7、Microsoft Office 2010、Adobe Acrobat的电脑主机
2. FX5K™ Tension FlexLink三维细胞可加力刺激培养传导控制仪
3. Flexcell BioFlex® baseplate三维细胞可加力刺激培养基板
4. Four gaskets四块密封垫片
5. Four Arctangle® Loading Stations™线型的三维培养模具
6. Four Trough Loaders™线型的三维培养模具装载站
7. Four Arctangle® Loading Stations™梯度型的三维培养模具
8. Trapezoidal Trough Loaders梯度型的三维培养模具装载站
9. 硅胶润滑脂
10. Plexiglas密封板
11. 干燥过滤器
12. FLEX IN 6.4mm外径蓝色硅胶管 13. FLEX OUT 9.5mm外径自然色硅胶管 14. 9.5mm外径蓝色加力泵链接硅胶管 15. 220V/110V电压自适应安全保护插排
16. 2个滤水器
17. D8C正空负压动力泵
18. Collagel® 3D水凝胶配套件
Formation of tissues in vitro that are structurally and functionally viable requires several basic conditions, such as 1) cells 2) matrix 3) media and growth factors and 4) mechanical stimulation.
These conditions are linked to each other and act in conjunction to form a structurally robust tissue that can withstand biomechanical forces.
As a tissue develops, its cells fabricate an extracellular matrix in a given geometry according to developmental pathway cues. 作为一个组织发开,它的细胞制备按照发育途径制备线索在一个给定几何形状中细胞外基质
Several signal transduction pathways may be involved in generating the composition of the extracellular matrix.
Some of these pathways are regulated by mechanical deformation of cell matrix and transmitted into the cell via membrane bound proteins such as integrins, focal adhesion complexes (mechanosensory complex), cell adhesion molecules and ion channels. Cells can also respond to ligands, such as cytokines, hormones or growth factors that are released as a result of matrix deformation.
In order to maintain the integrity and strength of musculoskeletal tissues, the cells may require maintaining a certain level of intrinsic strain. In the absence of this intrinsic strain, the tissue will lose its strength leading to failures or fractures.
It is well accepted that immobilization of limbs, bed rest or a reduction in the intrinsic strain level in a tissue leads to bone mineral loss, tissue atrophy, weakness and in general, a reduction in anabolic activity and an increase in catabolic activity. Physical activity, on the other hand, results in anabolic effects including an increase in biomechanical strength and an increase in the intrinsic strain in a tissue. 
To generate a tissue in vitro that is more or less equivalent to the native tissues, it is of utmost importance to create an environment that would mimic the in vivo conditions. Culturing cells in a mechanically active environment increases cell metabolism and alters cell shape and other properties. Therefore, it is vital to create and maintain a mechanically active environment (i.e., tension, shear stress or compression) for the cells during the formation of tissues in vitro. In addition to the dynamic environment, culturing cells in 3D environment more closely simulates the native environment than a static 2D culture method. 
The size and shape of the tissue matrix would also directly affect the type, magnitude, direction and distribution of physiological forces within the tissue matrix. The composition of tissue may also depend on the types of forces that the tissue undergoes. Depending on the anatomical location, some tissues may experience both tensile and compressive forces within the tissue leading to multiple compositions. For example, the midsubstance (where tensile forces exist) of an Achilles tendon is comprised of dense fibrous connective tissue, while the area where tendon presses against calcaneus (where compressive forces exist) is comprised of fibrocartilaginous tissue. The shape of the tissue also plays a major role in the location of its failure. Most failures in Achilles tendons occur at the calcaneal junction where it joins the bone and has the least thickness. Therefore, it is clear that the native shape of the tissue needs to be simulated in vitro to facilitate studying the failure mechanism as well as the healing mechanism of tissues. Flexcells Tissue Train® Culture System was developed to address these segments of the culture world, providing both a 3D matrix, dynamic strain to cells and matrix, and multiple geometries for creating bioartificial tissues of different shapes (i.e., linear, trapezoidal, and circular). 


Tissue Train® System
Flexcells Tissue Train™ Culture System is a stand-alone 3D culture system that allows investigators to create 3D geometries for cell culture in a matrix gel or allow the cells to build a self-assembled matrix that connects to the anchors in a Tissue Train® culture plate. Flexcell currently has molds and/or plates for creating three different shaped hydrogels: linear, trapezoidal, and circular. The Tissue Train®System can be used to create bioartificial constructs with cells from the cardiac, musculoskeletal, dermal, lung, gastrointestinal, bone marrow, and adipose tissues to name a few. (See our Publication Database to see how researchers are currently using this system).
Figure 1 illustrates how a linear bioartificial tissue (BAT) is created with the Tissue Train® Culture System. In brief, a Tissue Train® culture plate is set atop a Trough Loader™ and a vacuum is applied with the FX-5000™ Tension System pulling the flexible-bottomed rubber membrane of the culture plate downward into the linear trough. A cell and gel matrix suspension is dispensed into the trough between the two anchor stems with a pipette. After polymerization, the vacuum is released and a linear hydrogel, or bioartificial tissue, has been created that is attached to the culture plate via the anchor stems at the east and west poles.
Figure 1. Bioartificial tissue development with the Tissue Train® Culture System.
The FX-5000™ Tension System provides the investigator with a tool to apply regulated uniaxial or equibiaxial strain to the growing bioartificial tissues. A user can define a frequency, elongation and duration of strain in a regimen that simulates the strain environment of the native tissue in the body (see Applying Mechanical Load to Cells in 3D Culture for further information). 
View video Tissue Train® Bioartificial Tissue Fabrication with Uniaxial Strain
Additionally, the cells will remodel their extracellular matrix over time (Figure 2). A measure of this remodeling is gel compaction over time. ScanFlex™ is an automated image collection system that allows users to periodically scan items placed on a scanner bed. The ScanFlex™ software controls a digital scanner and allows users to program the number of times and the time intervals when digital scans are taken. When used in conjunction with the Tissue Train® culture plates, ScanFlex™ can be used to determine the change in area of a bioartificial tissue. Furthermore, the area of a BAT can be measured using the XyFlex™ image analysis software. XyFlex™ software allows the user to automatically measure the BAT area in a large sequence of images.
Figure 2. Illustration of gel compaction in a bioartificial tissue.


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使用柔性底6孔培养板,用于创建和提供双轴应变到3D细胞种子凝胶构造与Flexcell组织Train®培养体系。 可用矩阵粘结泡沫圆形锚,5种不同包被培养表面:氨基酸,胶原蛋白(I型或IV型),弹力蛋白,ProNectin(RGD)和层粘连蛋白(YIGSR)。
编号产品 产品名称
TTCF-4001U-Case TTCF-4001U-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-Untreated
TTCF-4001A-Case TTCF-4001A-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-Amino
TTCF-4001C-Case TTCF-4001C-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-Collagen Type I
TTCF-4001C(IV)-Case TTCF-4001C(IV)-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-Collagen Type IV
TTCF-4001E-Case TTCF-4001E-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-Elastin
TTCF-4001P-Case TTCF-4001P-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-ProNectin
TTCF-4001L-Case TTCF-4001L-Each Circular Foam Culture Plate-Laminin
编号产品 产品名称
Foruse with Standard(线形) Trough Loaders
创造和提供3D单轴应变种子细胞凝胶结构,灵活6孔培养板底用Flexcell组织列车培养系统*。 可用基质键合尼龙网锚,5种不同包被培养表面:氨基酸,胶原蛋白(I型或IV型),弹力蛋白,ProNectin(RGD)和层粘连蛋白(YIGSR)。
TT-4001U-Case TT-4001U-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-Untreated
TT-4001A-Case TT-4001A-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-Amino
TT-4001C-Case TT-4001C-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-Collagen Type I
TT-4001C(IV)-Case TT-4001C(IV)-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-Collagen Type IV
TT-4001E-Case TT-4001E-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-Elastin
TT-4001P-Case TT-4001P-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-ProNectin
TT-4001L-Case TT-4001L-Each Tissue Train Culture Plate-Laminin
Foruse with Trapezoidal(梯形) Trough Loaders
使用柔性底6孔培养板,用于创建和提供梯形3D细胞种子凝胶结构单轴应变与Flexcell组织Train®培养体系*。 可用基质键合尼龙网锚,5种不同包被培养表面:氨基酸,胶原蛋白(I型或IV型),弹力蛋白,ProNectin(RGD)和层粘连蛋白(YIGSR)。
编号产品 产品名称
TTTP-4001U-Case TTTP-4001U-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-Untreated
TTTP-4001A-Case TTTP-4001A-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-Amino
TTTP-4001C-Case TTTP-4001C-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-Collagen Type I
TTTP-4001C(IV)-Case TTTP-4001C(IV)-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-Collagen Type IV
TTTP-4001E-Case TTTP-4001E-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-Elastin
TTTP-4001P-Case TTTP-4001P-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-ProNectin
TTTP-4001L-Case TTTP-4001L-Each Trapezoidal TT Culture Plate-Laminin