IMUCLONE™ vWF:CB activity ELISA kit

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更新: 2021-03-27
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货号: ADG886
样本: 100 μl
应用: 血浆
检测方法: ELISA
检测限: 0.5 U/ml
供应商: American Diagnostica GmbH
数量: 大量
规格: 96 wells
IMUCLONE™ vWF:CB activity ELISA kit

The IMUCLONE® vWF:CB ELISA kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the differential diagnosis of von Willebrand Factor-Collagen Binding (typing) in human citrate plasma.

Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) is a large, multi-functional glycoprotein with a key position in primary hemostasis. It exists as a multimere and has several functions: It mediates platelet aggregation via adhesion of the platelet membrane receptors following platelet activation.
In primary hemostasis it acts as a mediator in platelet adhesion to the subendothelium. Platelet aggregation is normally determined to characterize the adhering properties (parameter: Ristocetin-dependent platelet aggregation).
However, it does not reflect the physiological state and function of vWF. The binding of vWF to collagen is used as a tool for measuring the adherent properties of vWF [1, 2].