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品牌: rexcontrols
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更新: 2021-07-01
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Constructed from all white stress relieved, acid resistant, non-corrosive polypropylene / PVC. All heat seam welded construction and tested.柜体完全采用原装进口PP/PVC板材制作,具有卓越的耐酸碱性,经无缝焊接测试完成。Specific material selection for use with harsh corrosive acids and trace metal analogy.苛刻的用料保证其可以抵抗严苛的酸碱环境。System includes ergonomic-sloping front design for easy access & cleaning.人体工程学应用其中,保证操作的轻松及清洁的便捷。Shipped assembled, fully tested and ready to use.一切就绪,恭候您的使用。

REXCONTROLSTM can customize any of our fume hood ranges to meet your specific need or wish. As in all our ranges any size desired and is manufactured in all polypropylene, flame retardant polypropylene, or almost any weldable plastic of your choice.我们可对任何一款产品做出改动以满足客户需求。无论是尺寸或者材质。(如:耐高温聚丙烯等任何可焊接塑料)

我们为您提供最为专业的实验室PP/PVC产品以及一流的气流控制方案。产品详细参数资料请浏览官方网站WWW.REXCONTROLS.CN上海国君生化科技有限公司REXCONTROLS - THE ART OF FUME CONTROL上海市嘉定工业区城北路泾河码头祥1081号 021-3996876513651868683