美国Ocean NanoTech公司主动性量子点

单价: 100.00
品牌: Ocean NanoTech
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 61 人关注
更新: 2021-05-31
数量: 减少 增加份 库存999份
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货号: QSH-450-04
CAS号: 111-11-1
供应商: 长沙巴溪仪器有限公司
数量: 100
英文名: CdSSe/ZnS core/shell QDs with carboxylic acid group
保质期: 1
保存条件: 低温

Ocean NanoTech公司中国总代理,Ocean NanoTech公司销售商。




QSH is a group of water soluble alloy CdSSe/ZnS or CdSe/ZnS core/shell quantum dots with amphiphilic polymer coating. Their reactive group is carboxylic acid. The zeta potential of QSH is from -30mV to -50mV. Their organic layers consist of a monolayer of oleic acid/octadecylamine and a monolayer of amphiphilic polymer. The thickness of the total organic layers is about 4 nm. The hydrodynamic size of the QDs is about 8-10 nm larger than their inorganic core size measured by TEM.
QSH is very stable in most buffer solutions in the pH range of 5-10 and can survive the autoclaving (121°C for 30 min) and lyophilization processes.

Catalog No.Quantum Yield1FWHM2Emission PeakAmount(Particle)  

QSH-450-04 >50% <35 nm 450 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-450-20 >50% <35 nm 450 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-490-04 >50% <35 nm 490 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-490-20 >50% <35 nm 490 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-525-04 >50% <35 nm 525 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-525-20 >50% <35 nm 525 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-540-04 >50% <35 nm 540 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-540-20 >50% <35 nm 540 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-580-04 >50% <25 nm 580 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-580-20 >50% <25 nm 580 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-600-04 >50% <25 nm 600 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-600-20 >50% <25 nm 600 nm 20 nm    
QSH-620-04 >50% <25 nm 620 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-620-20 >50% <25 nm 620 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-645-04 >50% <35 nm 645 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-645-20 >50% <35 nm 645 nm 20 nmol    
QSH-665-04 >50% <35 nm 665 nm 4 nmol    
QSH-665-20 >50% <35 nm 665 nm 20 nmol    
1. Quantum Yield: measured using an integrating sphere
2. FWHM: Full Width of Half Maximum

1. L. Yang, H. Mao, Y. A. Wang, Z. Cao, X. Peng, X. Wang, H. Duan, C. Ni, Q. Yuan, G. Adams, M. Q. Smith, W. C. Wood, X. Gao, S. Nie. Single Chain Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Antibody Conjugated Nanoparticles for in vivo Tumor Targeting and Imaging. Small, 2009, 5, 235-243.