单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒 Rubicon Genomics, PicoPLEX® WGA Kit(RB3050/R30050)

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更新: 2021-05-29
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货号: RB3050/R30050
数量: 100
英文名: PicoPLEX® WGA Kit
保存条件: -20°
规格: 50rxn
单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒 PicoPLEX® WGA Kit
 Rubicon Genomics(RB3050/R30050)
 Rubicon Genomics成立于2000年,总部位于美国密歇根州,致力于研究和开发基因组(Genomics Amplification)技术,其产品广泛应用于NGS测序文库的构建和单细胞水平的研究。Rubicon Genomics (RB3050/R30050) PicoPLEX® WGA Kit 单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒用于PCR和基因芯片文库制备,以检测拷贝数变异和染色体的非整倍性。长期以来,PicoPLEX WGA Kits 一直得到国际体外受精(IVF)同盟成员中的领先供应商比如 BlueGnome(Illumina 公司)的信任并用于胚胎植入前遗传学筛查和诊断(PGS/PGD)。
    单细胞DNA扩增生成高重现性文库已不再是梦想。PicoPLEX™ WGA试剂盒经专利技术设计和优化,专用于单个细胞的单拷贝基因组DNA扩增,整个过程在单管中进行,减少了操作误差,显著缩短了时间,降低了背景值。分离所获达6 pg to 50 pg g量的DNA也可以使用PicoPLEX™ WGA试剂盒构建文库。所获产物用于芯片比较基因组杂交(CGH)分析和PCR反应。受美国专利保护。从单细胞(或<15 pg DNA)获得高重现性的结果等位基因呈现(allele representation)具卓越重现性应用简单,自动化水平高,芯片和PCR结果清晰 。
   R30050   PicoPLEX™ WGA Kit,   50 reactions
 欢迎您致电 上海华雅思创生物科技有限公司  
 电话 023-63419626  手机号:18375916556   客服QQ: 2415014378
单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒 PicoPLEX® WGA Kit特性:

1. 单细胞扩增高重性

2. CNV数据高重现性
3. 等位基因表达研究高重现性
     PicoPLEX® WGA Kit 单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒的适用范围十分广泛,多种原始材料和微量样品均可通过该试剂盒进行单细胞全基因组扩增,随着国家二胎政策的开放,在胚胎植入前遗传学筛查和诊断(PGS/PGD)应用尤其广泛;
•生物标志物研究(CNVs、SNVs) •体外受精胚胎植入前基因测序           •转基因动物基因分型 •胚胎和干细胞研究 •单精子分型 肿瘤 •体细胞遗传变异分析            •肿瘤进化和发展 
•肿瘤干细胞 •循环肿瘤细胞 细菌 •宏基因组学研究  •微生物基因分型
单细胞全基因组扩增试剂盒 PicoPLEX® WGA Kit问与答:
1. What are the recommended DNA inputs for the PicoPLEX WGA Kit?
 1-10 human cells (e.g. blastomeres, polar bodies, trophoblastic cells, amniocytes, CTCs, cultured cells1,000 – 10,000 bacterial cells Intact or fragmented, single- or double-stranded DNA
2. What applications are recommended for PicoPLEX® WGA Kit?
Copy number variation (CNV) analysis: superior for oligonucleotide and BAC aCGH
SNP genotyping
Mutation detection by PCR
3. Is there a non-stick wash buffer that can be used for single cell wash prior to using PicoPLEX WGA Kit?
    This has not been validated at Rubicon Genomics, but some customers have successfully used PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol; e.g. 0.1%) in PBS to wash/collect their cells. Additionally, your washing/collecting buffer (PBS) must be also Ca- and Mg-free.
4.  Are  there special requirements for flow sorting?
    Yes, we strongly recommend not fixing, and using light scattering or phase contrast to sort or collect samples. Microscopic/visual confirmation of successfully sorted cells can be used to optimize sorting conditions.
5.  What is the sample input volume for PicoPLEX WGA Kit?
  This kit will accommodate a 5 μl sample input volume per reaction (with a maximum of 2.5 μl of cell & buffer carryover).
6.  Can the product of PicoPLEX WGA Kit be taken straight to NGS?
7.  Does Rubicon Genomics have an NGS-ready kit for single cell applications?
     Yes, PicoPLEX DNA-seq can be used with Illumina NGS platforms.
8.  Sigma-Aldrich sells a GenomePlex WGA kit, is it the same technology as PicoPLEX WGA?
    No, PicoPLEX uses different technology.
9.  What is the expected genomic locus representation and Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) for PicoPLEX WGA products?
For reference purposes, see the data obtained from a third party in the table below.
SNP Genotyping Method Single-Cell Amplification
Success Rate
SNP Call Rates LOH
PCR 95% > 95% < 10%
Illumina Infinium SNP array 95% 50% – 60% 7% – 12%
10.  Is the product of this technology single- or double-stranded?
     The end product of PicoPLEX WGA is a mixture of single- and double-stranded DNA.
  欢迎您致电 上海华雅思创生物科技有限公司  
 电话 023-63419626  手机号:18375916556   客服QQ: 2415014378