杆状病毒DNA,Sapphire Baculovirus DNA,ABP-BVD-10001

单价: 4500.00
品牌: allelebiotech
销量: 累计出售 0
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人气: 已有 255 人关注
更新: 2021-05-27
数量: 减少 增加份 库存999份
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货号: ABP-BVD-10001
保存条件: 4度
规格: 10 rxns
[[ABP-BVD-10001,10 rxns]] Sapphire™ Baculovirus DNA offers great advantages for insect cell infection, including: enhanced protein folding to ensure proper protein formation, high recombination efficiency and high level expression.
The Sapphire™ Baculovirus DNA offers the following advantages:
• Enhanced protein folding. The disulfide isomerases gene was inserted at the p10 locus of the virus to ensure proper protein disulfide bond formation.
• High recombination efficiency. The Sapphire™ baculoviral DNA contains a lethal deletion of ORF1629 which can only result in viable viral particles if rescued by homologous recombination with a polyhedrin promoter-based transfer vector. This design significantly reduces time and effort in plaque assays.
• High level expression. The p10 promoter is partially deactivated and the lytic p10 gene is deleted so that transcription levels are higher due to reduced interference and healthier insect cells.
