
单价: 3.00
品牌: 4titude
销量: 累计出售 0
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人气: 已有 31 人关注
更新: 2021-06-02
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货号: 4ti-0415
供应商: 北京中生柏奥生物科技有限公司

Cell Storage 

4titude has been offering sealing solutions suitable for cryostorage for many years and is now expanding this range to include dedicated cryotubes, cryoracks and a specialised stem cells freezing system. 

Our cryotube range is focused on customers with a need for reliable and detailed sample tracking. Both the cryotubes and the cryoracks are double barcoded with linear barcode (code 128), 2D barcodes and human readable information to avoid sample errors. 

Our 2D barcode scanner allows the tracking and export of sample data in different formats for integration in sample management systems. 

Our PolarCell vitrification offers a unique way of freezing and thawing stem cells by using specially adapted cryoracks with memory foam inserts to enable ultra-rapid cooling of the cells. This leads to a reduction of stress for the cells and an increased survival rate.