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更新: 2021-07-26
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货号: R30050
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英文名: PicoPLEX Whole Genome Ampification kit
规格: 50反应


Whole Genome Amplification for Library Construction of Single Cells


“SurePlex™ [PicoPLEX]  represents a major step forward in amplification technology…we selected SurePLEX due to its rapid protocol, highly representative amplification,and low allele dropout when compared to other amplification methods.”

–Nick Haan, founder and CEO of BlueGnome, an Illumina Company


The ability to amplify DNA to yield a highly reproducible library from a single cell is now possible! The PicoPLEX™ WGA kit  with patented technology* is designed and optimized for amplification of single copy genomic DNA  starting with a single cell.  The easy-to-use single tube protocol reduces handling errors, dramatically improves time to results and reduces background. PicoPLEX WGA Kit can be also be used with isolated gDNA amounts ranging  from less than 15 pg to 50 ng. Accepted for use in array CGH analysis as well as q-PCR.

*Protected by US Patent 8,206,913 and EU pending applications

PicoPLEX™ WGA Kits are used and trusted by leading providers in the IVF community such as BlueGnome for pre-implantation genetic screening and diagnostics (PGS/PGD).

  • Reproducible results from single cells (or <15 pg DNA)
  • Superior reproducibility of allele representation
  • Easy to use and automate
  • Unambiguous results at all resolutions, microarray and PCR



Learn more about PicoPLEX technology.

  • Performance
  • Specifications
  • Resources
  • FAQs
  • Order Information

Amplification of Single Cells is Reproducible

Flow-sorted cancer cells were amplified with the PicoPLEX WGA Kit. Each of the cells (blue lines) amplified at the same rate, and resulted in a similar, predictable yield. The sample containing 0 cells (green lines; no template control) shows very low background.

Reproducible CNV Data

Single-blastomere biopsies were amplified using PicoPLEX WGA kit, labeled and hybridized to BlueGnome’s 24Sure arrays at Genesis Genetics Institute. Note clear indication of CNVs. In 2011, ESHRE clinical trials confirmed accuracy of karyotyping using PicoPLEX technology.

PicoPlex 3

Locus-specific q-PCR was used to quantify 48 loci in independent single-cell libraries. Data shown compares results of DNA from two individual samples amplified with (left to right) PicoPLEX WGA Kit , GenomePLEX® and GenomiPhi™ using 10 pg of DNA. More than 90% of the product from PicoPLEX produce identifiable human sequences and this was highly reproduced,

Amplification of Single Cells is Reproducible
Reproducible CNV Data
PicoPlex 3

Store at -20 °C.

Guaranteed for 12 months at -20°C in a constant temperature freezer.

Recommended DNA inputs:

  • 1 – 10 human cells (e.g. blastomeres, polar bodies, trophoblastic cells, amniocytes, CTCs, cultured cells
  • 1,000 – 10,000 bacterial cells
  • Intact or fragmented, single- or double-stranded DNA

Maximum Sample Volume, 5 µL

For a complete list of all publications, use our Resource Search.

PicoPLEX WGA Kit product sheet

PicoPLEX WGA Kit manual


Top 10 FAQs

Read all FAQ’s on PicoPLEX WGA Kit

1. What applications are recommended for PicoPLEX™ WGA Kit?

This kit is used for:

  • Copy number variation (CNV) analysis: superior for oligonucleotide and BAC aCGH
  • SNP genotyping
  • Mutation detection by PCR

2. Is there a non-stick wash buffer that can be used for single cell wash prior to using PicoPLEX WGA Kit?

This has not been validated at Rubicon Genomics, but some customers have successfully used PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol; e.g. 0.1%) in PBS to wash/collect their cells. Additionally, your washing/collecting buffer (PBS) must be also Ca- and Mg-free.

3. Are there special requirements for flow sorting?

Yes, we strongly recommend not fixing, and using light scattering or phase contrast to sort or collect samples. Microscopic/visual confirmation of successfully sorted cells can be used to optimize sorting conditions.

4. What is the sample input volume for PicoPLEX WGA Kit?

This kit will accommodate a 5 μl sample input volume per reaction (with a maximum of 2.5 μl of cell & buffer carryover).

5. Can the product of PicoPLEX WGA Kit be taken straight to NGS?


6. Does Rubicon Genomics have an NGS-ready kit for single cell applications?

Yes, PicoPLEX DNA-seq can be used with Illumina NGS platforms.

7. Sigma-Aldrich sells a GenomePlex WGA kit, is it the same technology as PicoPLEX WGA? 

No, PicoPLEX uses different technology.

8. What is the expected genomic locus representation and Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) for PicoPLEX WGA products?

For reference purposes, see the data obtained from a third party in the table below.

SNP Genotyping Method

Single-Cell Amplification Success Rate

SNP Call Rates




> 95%

< 10%

Illumina Infinium SNP array


50% – 60%

7% – 12%

9. Is the product of this technology single- or double-stranded?

The end product of PicoPLEX WGA is a mixture of single- and double-stranded DNA.

10. How rapid is PicoPLEX WGA Kit?

PicoPLEX WGA Kit lyses cells and amplifies the DNA to an end-point of 2 – 5 μg in < 3 hours.

PicoPLEX™ WGA Kit, 50 reactions            CAT. NO. R30050
