食物基因组DNA提取试剂盒 NucleoSpin® Food

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NucleoSpin® Food

Genomic DNA from food and feed

For rapid small-scale isolation of genomic DNA from food and feed





• Complete removal of PCR inhibitors → get high quality DNA
• Even low amounts of partially degraded DNA can be purified from complex matrices
• Fast and easy procedure
• DNA from various sample materials → highest flexibility

Technology Silica-membrane technology
Format Mini spin columns
Sample material 5–200 mg
Fragment size 300 bp–approx. 50 kbp
Typical yield 0.1–10 µg
A260/A280 1.6–1.9
Elution volume 100 µL
Preparation time 30 min/6 preps
Binding capacity 30 µg


• DNA from complex matrices, e.g., processed food, soy (milk and flour), chocolate, cereals, meat,
   animal feed
• Typical downstream applications: real-time PCR, Southern blotting, enzymatic reactions