热烈祝贺寰宇安泰生物 Uante 成为世界知名品牌血清SeraPro 中国西部一级代理商

单价: 5000.00
品牌: serapro
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 43 人关注
更新: 2021-05-30
数量: 减少 增加份 库存999份
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货号: S601P-500


Serum, produced from animal blood and fetal bovine serum, is the most widely used because it contains an especially high amount of growth factors due to its origin. Animal serum is a highly complex organic solution which contains a range of cellular components including vitamins, nutrients, nucleosides, amino acids, carbohydrates, hormones and more. Serum provides the necessary nutrition to a cell and is also an essential medium promoting most or all cellular functions. This is  essential to a healthy cell culture such as mitosis, attachment and proliferation.


The function of serum in cell culture

  • stimulate cell growth, proliferate and differentiate through hormonal factors

  • adhesion factors facilitate/enhance cell attachment on culture dishes

  • transport and binding proteins provide hormons, minerals and lipids

  • bind toxic substances through serum proteins

  本公司为胎牛血清高端品牌SeraPro中国西部一级代理,该产品 由 25年生产经验的德国生产商SYSTECH GmbH全程负责采血,过滤,生产,封装,质量保证,绝对正品,每个产品均可追溯品质来源,血源分别来源于美国,澳大利亚和南美洲的胎牛血清产品, 其中南美血源的SeraPro 的胎牛血清(FBS)(商品号:S601P-500,S601S-500)适合绝大部分普通细胞培养和原代细胞的培养,例如:HEK293, MDBK, Hela, Vero, Sp2, K562, Raw264.7 等,我们同时提供北美和澳洲血源的FBS,畅销于欧洲以及北美的大型国际制药公司,针对干细胞培养,我们提供特制的血清,比如Pro ES (S742S-500);针对贴壁细胞的培养:我们提供贴壁细胞专用血清:Pro AC(S732S-500)。欢迎广大老师选购
