PI3K/MAPK 信号通路及癌变标记检测试剂盒

单价: 7286.00
品牌: TBD
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更新: 2019-06-11
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货号: TBDCS025100
规格: 25T
产品名称:PI3K/MAPK Dual Pathway Activation and Cancer Marker Detection Kit
PI3K/MAPK 信号通路及癌变标记检测试剂盒 

   PI3K/MAPK Dual Activation and Cancer Detection Kit is designed to examine this cross-talk in a multi-parametric fashion by providing three fully validated and optimized antibody biomarkers to measure specific cell signaling events in flow applications. The three antibodies provided in the kit are Anti-phospho-Akt Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate, Anti-phospho-ERK RPhycoerythrin conjugate, and Anti-Ki-67 PerCP conjugate. By utilizing all three antibody biomarkers simultaneously in flow applications, researchers now have the ability to thoroughly evaluate the “cross-talk” between PI3K and MAPK pathways, and further, by measuring their effect on Ki-67 expression, to determine the consequence of their interplay in cell proliferation and differentiation.