2017-06-17 13:33
Incorrect. THE CORRECT ANSWER IS: The patient has not suffered an acute myocardial infarction and a sample mix-up has occurred. A sample mix-up occurred in the 2-h post-admission samples. An AMI is unlikely given these test results because increases in plasma cTnI and CK-MB occur concurrently and cTnI concentrations remain elevated for days following an AMI. A heterophile antibody would cause consistently abnormal results rather than sporadic elevations in some samples but not others. Consistently normal CK-MB results in conjunction with normal cTnI results at admission and 6 h post admission strongly suggest that the 2-h post-admission cTnI sample was a mislabeled specimen obtained from a different patient. |
2017-06-08 17:03
我选的A。我认为(蒙)2小时升高是发生了小面积的梗死,所以6小时的时候又正常了。 但答案说是标本搞混了!可这CK-MB也太巧了吧,两个病人的居然完全一样,这不科学。 关键是我们不做肌钙蛋白,不知道1.6到底是怎样的一个水平。 假设这是一个真实案例,临床医生一看到2小时的报告,再结合胸痛,岂不是立马就会诊断为AMI,进行治疗吗!? |
2017-06-10 18:03
What are you talking about?
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