Roche 11745832910 DNA高效地高辛标记及检...![]() ![]() Roche 11745832910 DNA高效地高辛标记及检测试剂盒I 中文说明书
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2018-02-07 02:05
一、探针DNA标记方法 步骤 : 1.10ng~3ugDNA每管,双蒸水定量至总体积15ul 2.沸水水浴10分钟后迅速冰浴 3.加入 5号试剂 2ul , 6号试剂 2ul ,7号试剂 1ul 4.37度1小时~20小时 5.中止反应 加2ul 0.2M EDTA (pH 8.0) 和/或 65度 水浴 10分钟 二、标记效率检测 (一) 试剂配置 Solution Composition Preparation Washing buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; pH 7.5 (20° C); 0.3% (v/v) Tween 20 Maleic acid buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; adjustwith NaOH (solid) to pH 7.5 (20° C) Detection buffer 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.1 M NaCl, pH 9.5 (20° C) TE-buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0 Blocking stock solution Dissolve Blocking reagent (bottle 10) 10% (w/v) in Maleic (10 × conc.) acid buffer underconstantly stirring on a heating block(65°C) or heat in a microwave oven,autoclave. The solution remains opaque Blocking solution Prepare a 1 × working solution by dilutingthe 10 × Blocking solution 1:10in Maleic acid buffer. Antibody solution Centrifuge Anti-Digoxigenin-AP(vial 8) for 5 min at 10 000 rpm in theoriginal vial prior to each use, and pipet the necessary amount carefully from thesurface. Dilute Anti- Digoxigenin-AP 1: 5 000 (150 mU/ml) in Blocking solution. Colorsubstrate Add 40 _l of NBT/BCIP (vial 9) to 2 ml of Detection buffer. solution Note: Store protected from light! (二)对照的标记DNA(4号试剂)系列稀释 (三)步骤 1、取以上制备的管2~9各1ul,以及自己标记的探针1ul,点到一小片尼龙膜 2、通过紫外线或者120度半小时使核酸交连到膜上 3、膜置塑料盒中加Maleic acid buffer 20ml ,15~25度轻摇孵育2分钟 4、10ml Blocking solution 孵育30分钟 5、10ml Antibody solution 孵育30分钟 6、10ml Washing buffer 洗2次,每次15分钟 7、10ml Detection buffer中平衡2~5分钟 8、膜在2ml新鲜配制的 Colorsubstrate solution 中避光孵育。显色期间避免摇动 9、中止反应 用TE-buffer或者双蒸水洗5分钟 蛋白酶K预处理 三、样品检测与杂交 (一) 步骤 1、 稀释供试品及阳性对照DNA,点膜 2、 通过紫外线或者120度半小时使核酸交连到膜上 3、 将标记好的探针稀释到约25ng/ml, 煮沸5分钟后迅速冰浴 4、膜放入预热好的预杂交液(3.5ml/100cm2)中,充分混匀,避免起泡 5、倒掉预杂交液,加入杂交液及已变性的探针。杂交温度下至少孵育6小时 四、洗膜 1、2 × SSC, 0.1% SDS , 15-25° C,洗膜2次,每次5分钟。 2、0.5× SSC, 0.1% SDS ,预热至65~68° C,洗膜2次,每次5分钟 五、结果检测 (一) 试剂配制 Solution Composition Preparation Washing buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; pH 7.5 (20° C); 0.3% (v/v) Tween 20 Maleic acid buffer 0.1 M Maleic acid, 0.15 M NaCl; adjustwith NaOH (solid) to pH 7.5 (20° C) Detection buffer 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 0.1 M NaCl, pH 9.5 (20° C) TE-buffer 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0 Blocking stock solution Dissolve Blocking reagent (bottle 10) 10% (w/v) in Maleic (10 × conc.) acid buffer underconstantly stirring on a heating block(65°C) or heat in a microwave oven,autoclave. The solution remains opaque Blocking solution Prepare a 1 × working solution by dilutingthe 10 × Blocking solution1:10in Maleic acid buffer. Antibody solution Centrifuge Anti-Digoxigenin-AP(vial 8) for 5 min at 10 000 rpm in theoriginal vial prior to each use, and pipet the necessary amount carefully from thesurface. Dilute Anti- Digoxigenin-AP 1: 5 000 (150 mU/ml) in Blocking solution. Colorsubstrate Add 40 _l of NBT/BCIP (vial 9) to 2 ml of Detection buffer. solution Note: Store protected from light! (二) 步骤 1、Washing buffer洗膜1~5分钟 2、100ml Blocking solution 孵育30分钟 3、20ml Antibody solution 孵育30分钟 4、100ml Washing buffer 洗2次,每次15分钟 5、20ml Detection buffer中平衡2~5分钟 6、膜在10ml新鲜配制的 Colorsubstrate solution 中避光孵育。显色期间摇动 7、中止反应 用TE-buffer或者双蒸水50ml洗5分钟展开 |
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