ChinaBio? Day 2009

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-09-15  浏览次数:109   状态:状态
展会日期 2009-09-15 至 2009-09-16
展出城市 中国
主办单位 Chinabio CBDgroup



ChinaBio? Day 2009 will be an all day event, bringing together China-based life science executives with their counterparts from San Francisco and the rest of the world. The event will provide insights into recent developments of the rapidly changing life science industry in China.

Executives from both sides of the Pacific will discuss partnering opportunities between China and the rest of the world in the morning. In the afternoon, attendees will gain essential knowledge on how to step into new marketplaces. In an interactive setting, attendees from Western countries will hear what it takes to succeed in China, and Chinese executives will learn how to leverage their business by partnering with European and American companies.

ChinaBio Day will precede EBD Group’s international partnering conference, BioPharm America? 2009.
Who should attend?
Executives from China pharma and biotech companies
CROs and CMOs seeking business opportunities in the West
Pharma and biotech executives from the US and Europe interested in doing
business in China 

联系人:Jean Meng

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