生物膜国际研讨会(The International Symposium on Membrane Biology )

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-07-08  浏览次数:104   状态:状态
展会日期 2009-07-09 至 2009-07-12
展出城市 中国
展出地址 北京大屯路15号中国生物物理学会
主办单位 中国生物物理学会



会议背景介绍:     The International Symposium on Membrane Biology is organized by the sub-society of Membrane and Cellular Biophysics in The Biophysical Society of China (http://www.bsc.org.cn), and co-sponsored by the State Key Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, the State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Engineering, the 973 program on Structure and Functional Studies of Biomembrane and Membrane Proteins and the 973 program on Function and Regulation Mechanism of Lipid Metabolism Proteins. This symposium will be mainly focused on membrane trafficking, molecular bioenergetics and membrane lipid metabolism.  

征文范围及要求: Topics
(1) Membrane Protein Structure & Membrane Proteomics
(2) Membrane Lipids and Lipidomics
(3) Membrane Lipid-Protein Interaction
(4) Membrane Trafficking
(5) Transmembrane Signal Transduction
(6) Molecular Bioenergetics
(7) Ion Channels
(8) Membrane Disorders and Drug Targets
(9) New Technology and Methods in Membrane Biology Studies

[ 组织结构 ]
会议主席: Tao Xu
组织委员会主席: Pingsheng Liu

联系人:Ms. Shunyi Wei

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