
放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2009-04-21  浏览次数:136   状态:状态
展会日期 2009-04-21 至 2009-04-24
展出城市 中国
展出地址 22 Zhong Guan Cun South Street Haidian District
主办单位 the Chinese Stomatological Association



会议注册费: RMB4900
会议网站: http://www.ww6oralaids.com/index.html
会议背景介绍: It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 6th World Workshop on Oral Health and Disease in AIDS (WW6) that will be hosted by Peking University School of Stomatology and held in the Friendship Hotel in Beijing China from April 21 – 24, 2009. The conference is being organized by the International Steering Committee, the International Scientific Programme Committee and the Local Organizing Committee. It is supported by the Chinese Stomatological Association, the Chinese Division of the IADR, Chinese Ministry of Health, NCAIDS/ Chinese CDC, IADR, WHO, NIDCR, UCSF-OAC, UCSF-ARI, KCL.
These workshops are held every 3 to 5 years to follow the last five Workshops that were resounding successes being held in San Diego, USA in 1988; San Francisco, USA in 1993; London, United Kingdom in 1996; Skukuza, South Africa in 2000 and Phuket Thailand in 2004. WW6 intends to present recent scientific research in Oral Health and Disease in AIDS covering a wide range of fields including clinical and basic science. This will be accomplished through a combination of invited and contributed talks along with workshops and poster sessions. The workshop sessions have been designed to encourage discussion about current relevant issues and to identify new directions in research.
The conference particularly encourages the participation of graduate students, postdoctors, and young faculty, as well as established researchers in Oral Health and Disease in AIDS. Beijing will provide delegates an opportunity to meet each other and to discuss issues of mutual interest.
We look forward to the chance of meeting old friends and making new ones!

The International Steering Committee for WW6  
征文范围及要求:  Body of abstract - Font Arial 11 bold headings and non- bold text

?  Single spacing

?  All abbreviations must be defined prior to their use in the body of the text

?  No tables or references to be included in the abstract

Word limit help

?  Always hyphenate when possible (e.g., use “HIV-infection”, rather than “HIV infection”), and string together complicated phrases with hyphens.

?  Abbreviate extensively [i.e., introduce abbreviations quickly and use them. Do not say immune reconstitution syndrome but rather introduce immune reconstitution syndrome (IRIS) and then use IRIS from that point onward].

?  Always close up spaces between numbers and units (e.g., instead of 30 mm, say 30-mm or 30mm; never leave spaces between numbers and standard deviations; and replace “30 ± 5” with “30±5”).

?  Make sure that there is no inadvertent ‘dangling punctuation' in the text, such as a comma or period that is not immediately adjacent to a word.

?  Eliminate as many “articles” (a, an, the) as possible.

?  String together all steps in the Materials & Methods section so that you are not starting and stopping individual sentences with separate subjects, verbs, and adjectives [e.g., “The samples (n=10/gp) were etched (37% H3POO4), washed (15s), stored (37°C, 7d), conditioned (25°C, 10m), tested (0.1mm/m), and statistically analyzed (ANOVA, p<0.05).”].

?  Replace statements with equations [e.g., Instead of “10 samples were tested for each group” insert “(n=10)” into an appropriate sentence.].

?  Report all statistical differences with superscripts on results that can be attached rather than requiring separate statements.

Poster dimensions

841 mm x 1189 mm (DIN A0) portrait on 1 by 2 metre boards

Each poster will be assigned a poster presentation number that will be printed in the conference program along with the title. The assigned numbers correspond to the poster board, which will be used to display the poster.

List the title and authors in 72 point font.

Below the title, list the authors' names and affiliations in 68 font.

State the main conclusions of the work in six lines or less, in letters about 48 point. The smallest text on your poster should be larger than 22 point.


The abstract should be submitted, by the presenting author, via the IADR electronic abstract submission process.

The web link is detailed below


联系人:Hongwei Liu

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