DNA A to Z 1.01.00

日期:2014-01-25     浏览:265    下载:19     体积:14M     评论:0    

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“DNA From A to Z” turns your mobile device or tablet into a tool for learning, organizing and navigating through the quickly advancing fields of molecular diagnostics, personalized medicine, genomics and the science of DNA. This app is meant for not only the beginner but also the technically savvy professional to serve as a guide or starting point for your search and help you sift through the many topics related to DNA . The content is organized with superior features such as navigation within entries and links to the web. It’s your DNA, your health, so why not have a solid foundational understanding of the terminology?

This is a must have application for:

- A medical school student…..or a high school student;

- A Wall Street biotech analyst … or a diagnostics company sales rep;

- A patient trying to figure out where to start … or a healthy individual who wants to stay that way;

- A hospital administrator interested in what’s going on in the lab across the parking lot…or a hospital administrator trying to understand where new revenue opportunities may originate;

- A Congressional aide seeking a handle on the hottest new area of healthcare … or an insurance executive seeking clarification on new and healthcare solutions.

The app makes learning about DNA, and its many medical applications, as easy as a touch or a tap. You have the ability to create your own lists to save a subset of terms for future reference. Professionals and lay people alike are interested in DNA, genomics and personalized medicine. And why not? It’s all about the most personal aspects of our being, our DNA and its effect on our health and the health of our descendants. In other words, everyone’s interested in DNA on one level or another because we’re all interested in our health. It is guaranteed that you or someone you know will find this application useful.


- navigate within an entry from one term to another

- create and edit your own lists for future reference

- add an entry to a list with a tap of a button

- open web links within an entry and gain access to referred website all without leaving the app

Everything you need at your fingertips with a simple and easy approach to learning, customizable to the individual.

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