DNA分析GenomeComp 1.3

日期:2013-12-10     浏览:1465    下载:49     体积:1K     评论:0    

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GenomeComp is a DNA sequence comparison tool and graphical user interface (GUI) viewer implemented in Perl/Tk. It can read one, two or three input sequences in either of FASTA, GENBANK or EMBL format, then it runs the external program BLASTN or MegaBlast to do the comparison between paired sequences in background. If the results already exist, it can skip that step and read the output file directly. Then the dynamic display of the results will show in the canvas of the main window.

GenomeComp can easily manage genome wide sequences (about several mega base pairs), so as to locate the rearrangements, insertions or deletions of genome segments between species or strains. In addition, it can show other features like repeat sequence distribution in one whole-genome sequence by self-comprison.


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