A feature-filled, user friendly software product, provided free of charge to scientists! Positioned at the heart of the Volocity family, this no-cost download accepts a range of file formats and includes functionality to view data in 2D, 3D and even 4D, as well as providing tools for image enhancement such as noise reduction filters. Highly useful to any imaging scientist, but also a great way to test drive the intuitive user interface and core features of the Volocity product range.
免费显微图像处理软件。用来处理显微图像,并可对切片图像进行处理,生成3维图像。这是我注册后网站提供的序列号和解锁码,大家也可自行注册获取。 Serial No.: 44404417 Unlock Code: LJRN-3684907664-I。