
日期:2013-11-21     浏览:1511    下载:60     体积:120K     评论:0    

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NetPrimer - Free! Primer Analysis Software

NetPrimer combines the latest primer design algorithms with a web-based interface allowing the user to analyze primers over the Internet. All primers are analyzed for melting temperature using the nearest neighbor thermodynamic theory to ensure accurate Tm prediction. Primers are analyzed for all secondary structures including hairpins, self-dimers, and cross-dimers in primer pairs. This ensures the availability of the primer for the reaction as well as minimizing the formation of primer dimer. The program eases quantitation of primers by calculating primer molecular weight and optical activity. To facilitate the selection of an optimal primer, each primer is given a rating based on the stability of its secondary structures. A comprehensive analysis report can be printed for individual primers or primer pairs.

JAVA语言写成的免费引物设计软件,用IE打开运行,需要安装JAVA Runtime Environment 1.4,11.7M。下载后,可在本地运行,不需要再到原始网站运行了。

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