CurveExpert Pro 2.0.0

日期:2014-01-28     浏览:2622    下载:363     体积:28K     评论:0    

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CurveExpert 1.3 is a comprehensive curve fitting system for Windows. XY data can be modelled using a toolbox of linear regression models, nonlinear regression models, interpolation, or splines. Over 30 models are built-in, but custom regression models may also be defined by the user. Full-featured graphing capability allows thorough examination of the curve fit. The process of finding the best fit can be automated by letting CurveExpert compare your data to each model to choose the best curve. This program was designed to be simple but powerful, so that all users can obtain a model for their data quickly and easily.

对ELISA标准曲线拟合头痛吗?实际上,不只是ELISA标准曲线拟合,其它各种有关的实验数 据分析,都可以应用CurveExpert进行数据分析。它使用非常方便, 可以说是实验数据处理的圣手,并且可以生成漂亮的曲线应用到论文之中。共享软件,注册费40美元。


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